Linde-SIGAS - your partner for industrial and healthcare gases in Saudi Arabia
About Us

Learn more about our commitment to our mission of making our world more productive
Linde in Saudi Arabia
Linde-SIGAS is the leading manufacturer of all Bulk, Industrial, Medical and Specialty gases in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with operational and Sales outlets spread throughout major cities of the country. Our industrial gases are used in virtually every branch of industry, commerce, science and research. Aside from reliable supply of gases of highest standards of purity and quality, we provide innovative solutions to make your business more productive.
Through our sister company, Linde Engineering, we are also able to supply world-scale gas processing plant solutions. Find out more about our Engineering services.
Our locations
Linde-SIGAS headquarters are based in AL Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, while our gases can be promptly delivered from the nationwide distribution network.
Linde SIGAS AL Khobar (Headquarters)
Address: King Fahad road , Rawabi district, P O Box 291, Al Khobar – 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone number: +9660138121220
Email address:
Working hours: Sunday to Thursday 08:00 - 16:00.
Check out our other locations here